The Seymour-Tisdell-Straubs

Our family is composed of Trish and Jon, 11-year old Sydney, Twin two year olds and our black lab, Sully. Mike (Syd's dad) is around quite a bit too. We'd started this blog as a way of keeping up with our family and friends, please feel free to share the URL.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


With some mixed feelings we took the plunge and looked for another rescue dog. We really missed having a dog in the house and realized that the new house was such a great place for a dog. Although we knew we could never replace Lou we wanted to open our hearts to another pup in need of a home.
We felt an "older" young dog was the best situation as Jon and I are starting our residencies and settled on a black lab mix from Tennessee that is about 6 months old whom we named "Sully." He's been with us for about 2 weeks and settled in really quickly. He's going to be a large dog and is kind of clumsy with his huge paws and wiry body but such a love!
He has some wierd behaviors such as going beserk if Syd rides her scooter and kicking dirt behind him whenever he goes to the bathroom. He really makes us happy despite his peculiarities!


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