The Seymour-Tisdell-Straubs

Our family is composed of Trish and Jon, 11-year old Sydney, Twin two year olds and our black lab, Sully. Mike (Syd's dad) is around quite a bit too. We'd started this blog as a way of keeping up with our family and friends, please feel free to share the URL.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Sydney and I have been away on a camping trip so we're a little back-logged on blogs but we'll catch up (and the blogs will be interesting!).

A couple weeks ago we went out with my dad to a "marine sanctuary" off the coast of provincetown in my dad's boat. We left very early in the morning and had a blast.

My dad filets a bluefish (that I caught!) for bait for his lobster traps. Other bluefish (we caught 5) got grilled for lunch. In the sanctuary you are allowed to recreationally fish but commercial fishing is prohibited. Later in the day we pulled my dad's lobster traps and brought home 6 lobsters which also became part of our lunch. The past 3 years, since my dad has had his recreational lobsterman's license we've been spoiled with more lobster than we can stand all summer long.
Sydney stocks the boat with cookies from the marina store before boarding for our 6 hour trip.

The most exciting part for me was when a Minke whale took an interest in our boat. These are smaller whales that travel solo and are found all over the world.

The Minke whale is known for its curiosity and interest in human activities and this whale certainly fit that bill.

The whale repeatedly circled the boat and came up so that its eye was just out of the water to observe us. After about 10 minutes he/she decided we were boring and swam away. Sydney dubbed the whale "bubbles." It was so cool!
My dad's boat is so much fun - and he's always looking for someone to take deep sea fishing or lobstering so please let me know if you ever want to go out.


Blogger will-the-thrill said...

Um... Yeah, of course we want to go on the boat!! You name the time...

12:45 PM  

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