The Seymour-Tisdell-Straubs

Our family is composed of Trish and Jon, 11-year old Sydney, Twin two year olds and our black lab, Sully. Mike (Syd's dad) is around quite a bit too. We'd started this blog as a way of keeping up with our family and friends, please feel free to share the URL.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wildlife Sitings

While on our trip Sydney and I saw lots of inte

resting wildlife. Above is a photo of a female turtle that we saw in the bathroom. How do we know it was a female? It was in the Ladies room. This is the list of our sitings:

1.) Salamanders/Newts (caught one!)

2.) Leopard Frogs (caught one!)

3.) Snakes

4.) Blue Heron

5.) Black Bear

6.) Snapping Turtles (bathroom and on the pond)

7.) Minnows and Fish

8.) We tried to see a family of foxes that were denned near our campsite but they didn't come out during our stake-out.

9.) Red squirrels


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