Camping - Bear Brook and the "Big Scare"
We were really excited about our camp site here in NH because it was really remote - it didn't feel at all like a campground. There were very few campers in the park since it was mid-week and early June adding to the natural feel. There was a little more to do at this park - definitely more trails, better swimming areas, boat rentals etc. and we really enjoyed our stay here...well most of it. The mosquitos were ridiculous - the ranger said it was in part from the wet spring and in part from it being early in the year.
As you can see building castles was an important part of our trip. This one is called "Port Seymour."
We spent a great deal of time just floating around on this raft together. We also took the canoe out one windy afternoon.

Part of the hike around the lake featured a boardwalk through the swamp which we thought was really cool.
Mom and Syd one night at BB around the fire. If we were hanging out at camp we pretty much had to have a fire going to control the mosquitoes.
About half-way done the hike around the lake.
I have to admit - I was a little wary as a woman camping alone with her daughter and I was a little on edge the whole time - sort of in a hyper-vigilent mode. The second night of our stay it was about 9:45 pm. We were finishing up our last set of s'mores when I heard something large lumbering towards us through the pitch black woods. I was pretty scared because we were so far from the ranger station and no other campers were anywhere near us. I didn't want to convey my fear to Sydney, though, so I had her hold the flashlight while I calmly threw our sleeping bags in the car. My plan was to get in and lock the doors for the night! I then shined the flashlight in the direction of the noise and saw a pair of reflective eyes about 5 feet off the ground! Just then the ranger came by to say good-night to us - as they did everynight before leaving the park(good timing!) and I explained that I heard a large animal. He shined his light toward our tent and there stood a big black bear!

Part of the hike around the lake featured a boardwalk through the swamp which we thought was really cool.

We slept in the car that night.
Black bears are really shy and no threat to humans but Syd was spooked. I was actually relieved it wasn't a strange person - that was my initial fear.
Anyways, the park gave us a voucher for 3 nights camping because of the bear visit but I'm not sure I can get Syd to go back.
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