The Seymour-Tisdell-Straubs

Our family is composed of Trish and Jon, 11-year old Sydney, Twin two year olds and our black lab, Sully. Mike (Syd's dad) is around quite a bit too. We'd started this blog as a way of keeping up with our family and friends, please feel free to share the URL.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Pain

We have really good girls, really. But like all babies they have a fussy time which is usually 1-2 hours before bed. No problem if we are both home but I've come to dread the days that Jon is on call because the last thing you want to do after a day with twins is spend two hours with crying babies that you just can't comfort (not to mention that this crying occurs during the majority of time I have to spend with Syd). The above picture shows one of our "techniques" for getting a moments reprieve during this time.
So if you are ever in Holden between 6:00 and 8pm swing by and hold a screamer!


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