The Seymour-Tisdell-Straubs

Our family is composed of Trish and Jon, 11-year old Sydney, Twin two year olds and our black lab, Sully. Mike (Syd's dad) is around quite a bit too. We'd started this blog as a way of keeping up with our family and friends, please feel free to share the URL.

Monday, January 05, 2009

They're HEEE----EERE!

So January 3rd was quite an exciting, frightening, emotional day. We arrived at the hospital around 8 am and after waiting all day for labor to set in with help from pitocin, things were going in the wrong direction. Trish started getting pretty sick with preeclampsia. The babies were excellent though throughout the day. Then around 1100 at night, it was decided that we could not wait anymore for the labor process to progress. We went for Caeserean delivery. So after getting the necessary preparations done, we went to the operating room. At 1246 am Charlotte Carla Seymour-Tisdell was born. And then at 1247 am Ella Joyce Seymour-Tisdell arrived. As the NICU team whisked them away we could hear them crying. It was beautiful. Trish was amazing after such a long, hard day. Now Trish is resting comfortably at the hospital. Lotte and Ella will have to spend around 6-7 days in the hospital and then they'll be able to come home. We have many pictures and here are a few.

Trish with one of our perfect little bundles of joy, Ella. She weighed in at 4 pounds 11 ounces and is a towering 17 1/2 inches. Trish hasn't been able to see our girls as much as she would like but she'll be getting to know them soon.

Here I am just after delivery. Charlotte is the one on my left and Ella is on the right. The NICU team was kind enough to bring them back to us after swaddling them and checking them out.

And here is Big Sister Sydney holding her sister Charlotte for the first time. Charlotte weighed in at 5 pounds 6.4 ounces and edged out her sister for longest new baby by a half inch, measuring 18 inches. Syd is very excited to be the big sister and I'm sure will teach them all the latest fashions.


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