NYC - day #1
We hit a couple items on our "to do" list that first afternoon in the city including the American Girl Doll's Store in Times Square as well as the M&M store. In our group was Sydney, me, Roberta, Bill and Avanti. We went to Rockefeller Center (sort of by accident) and then rode the subway out to dinner with Juan joining the group then.
I think Sydney's favorite part was riding the subway (go figure) or playing the "I believe" game. This is a game, a very simple one, that I think Sydney and I made up. Its fun at dinner parties where children are present. The MC-person names a mythical/supernatural creature (ghosts, aliens, faries, witches, vampires etc) and then you go aroung the table saying whether you believe in it or not. You are allowed to comment (i.e. I believe that Dragons existed at one time but not presently). It creates a good deal of discussion and kids really love it.
By the way: Juan believes in unicorns.
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