The Seymour-Tisdell-Straubs

Our family is composed of Trish and Jon, 11-year old Sydney, Twin two year olds and our black lab, Sully. Mike (Syd's dad) is around quite a bit too. We'd started this blog as a way of keeping up with our family and friends, please feel free to share the URL.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Buying a house we don't need with money we don't have

Well, maybe we "need" a bigger house and it would make more sense to own rather than rent. Jon and I actually made an offer on a house this week, a very low offer that will likely be rejected but we gave it a shot. I think that's going to be our house hunting strategy - offering very little money for houses we'd love to live in. It can't hurt, right? But seriously, our rental house is a little cramped. Its basically three rooms - the "great room" which serves as our living room, kitchen, dining room and office, then there's the bedroom (ours) and the porch, which is Sydney's bedroom. Fortuantely Sydney's not complaining too much - I guess when you're 8 its cool to have 10 windows and a door to the outside in your room. If one of our low-ball offers does get accepted, though, it will be very hard to leave this yard. Its a beautiful lot that is set back from the road and about 1.5 acres all fenced in. The yard is really the reason we chose to move here and we've enjoyed it everybit as much as we thought we would with sports, barbecues, forts, fires in the fire pit and gardening.

In any case ,this mortgage and real estate business is intense and we're learning stuff about subjects we don't care about (except as they pertain to us).

To make it a little more challenging Holden has three elementary schools and we're trying to keep Sydney at the same one. Therefore, we're not just limiting our search to one town, we're limiting it to 1/3 of one town. Surprisingly there are lots of houses that fit our criteria and the market is really in our favor so we'll keep tryin'

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mt. Wachusett

This is actually from hiking last spring - but isn't it a great photo?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Left Paw Green

Barbie's sweet crib

Sydney received part of this house as a Christmas gift and part as a birthday gift. She really enjoys setting up the house and designing the layout. The best part is, when she's done it all folds up.
The girls chill in the bedroom and watch TV.

Ken #1 raids the fridge and the dog, Tanner, watches closely. I have to mention that she got this dog from a friend for her birthday and the big selling point with him is that you can feed him treats and then he poops them back out. I am not kidding.

Ken #2 needs some "private time" and the kitty is well placed for additional modesty.

Bad Kitty!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Blizzard and a Picnic? Sounds great!

Syd had school off on Friday and before the weather forcast was available I promised a day-long hike and picnic. I stuck to my word and we actually had lots of fun!


This usually works on Daddy but not so much mommy....okay, sometimes mommy too......

Match Day

It's official: We're staying put for next year.

Thursday was "Match Day" where every graduating medical student receives a letter telling them where they have matched for residency. Jon and I both got our #1 choices.

I'll be training at Hahneman Family Health Center and Memorial Hospital in Worcester. Jon will spend his preliminary year at St. Vincent's Medical Center and his Neurology residency at UMASS, also both in Worcester.

Our friends all matched to great programs (mostly first choices all around - and mostly local!). Congrats everyone!

Its been a long weekend of celebrating with friends and family. We were also lucky enough to see Jon's Californian cousins on St. Patty's day.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

R&L, the early years

This weekend I found proof that Lauren and Ryan's romance began at my mom's house. I didn't know, however, that board games were involved from the very beginning.

Slumber Par-tay

Sydney had her kid party on Saturday and 5 friends came over for a "spa-themed" party and sleepover. The spa idea lasted about4 minutes, seeing as the girls were not interested in relaxing or sitting still. My sister Erin helped and we did manage to get all of their nails painted. It was an exciting evening with exploding glow sticks, teeth falling out and 1 case of nausea. Somehow, Sydney managed to stay awake until 2am and we got to set the clocks forward. Awesome.

Yes, that is a homemade cake you see. I know its hard to tell by the poor script and general tilting nature but it sure tasted good.

She had her BFF (Bourgealt Family Function) the next day at the Straubs house but barely managed to stay awake through the gift opening. She was totally spoiled, as ususal!

Her new tamagotchis might be her favorite gift. Who wants to take care of a real pet when you can take care of a Japanimal that has bar graphs to tell you how hungry or happy it is?!


Sydney turned 8 on Friday. Here she is celebrating her "immediate-family" birthday friday night with Mike, Jon and I. In lieu of cake, she requested worms in dirt. If you have children and haven't tried this - its lots of fun. You grind up oreos and mix it with an equal part of chocolate pudding, drop in some gummy worms and mix until the worms look real. Good times!

I remember on Syd's third birthday she cried for hours when she realized she would never be two again. So sad. No such tears this birthday, though!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Extremely laid back or just dumb?

We often ponder this question when considering my father's golden retriever.

My parents are headed to Bermuda this week and we were going to dog sit. With Sydney's birthday party/sleep over on Saturday, though, we thought better of the idea of 6 girls and three dogs!
Safe travels Mum and dad.